curl up and dye. - Tumblr -
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Lolita tips, guide lolita hair tutorials, A guide to lolita hair tutorials a lot of people have been asking me about things to do with their hair lately so i thought i would put together a list of hair tutorials!.Not clever title, Mostly an art blog, half a general blog, sfw except for the occasional swear word. pg-13 at worst i suppose! about me: i draw a lot, do some crafting (knit/crochet.Alexandra' simblr, Curved bob - ts4 new mesh. update ***please read*** there’s a bit of a glitch with this mesh, when you extend the ears on your sims all the way out the hair sticks.Curl dye. - tumblr, Natural-blonde - brunette - black - pink - red - orange - yellow - green - blue - purple - gray - white - muilticolored - short - medium - long - undercut - straight.
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